
Monday, August 11, 2014

Magickal Aspects of Basil

A little history, culture & legend:

Cultivated for over 5000 years, Basil has been the center of many stories, folklore, superstitions, and beliefs. Native to India Basil is a half-hardy herb best known for it is culinary uses, and potent fragrance. Basil is available in MANY varieties such has Mint, Cinnamon, Lemon, Sweet, Thai, the list goes on and on.

The word Basil come from Greek meaning “King” or “royal”.

Nicholas Culpeper notes, basil is "an herb of Mars and under the Scorpion, and therefore called Basilicon",[7] relating it to basilisk. The Oxford English Dictionary quotes speculations that basil may have been used in "some royal unguent, bath, or medicine". Basil is still considered the "king of herbs" by many cookery authors.[8] **Wikipedia

Europeans placed basil in the hand of the dead to ensure safe passage to the next plain of existence. It is said that Basil was growing at the base of Christ’s cross, while others believe it to be a symbol of Satan. Some cultures believe basil gives strength while fasting, others believe it protects against scorpions… While Egyptian and Grecian cultures believed it would open the gates of Heaven.

It is believed that Basil must be given as an offering at Rongker, a springtime festival of merriment observed by the Karbis of Assam, to appease the deities and protect against evil
 Confessions of Crafty Witches Facebook Fan Page

Basil has strong ties to money, love, flying, and protection. It is said that if you lay a spring of basil in someone’s hand you can tell if they are promiscuous or virtuous. If the spring withers immediately the person is promiscuous.

Basil is also said to bring lovers together and sooth tempers. It is used in love divination and love spells. Rubbing Basil on the skin is said to act as an instant “Love Perfume”.

Basil is also used to attract customers to a place of business, and money to your wallet... or for modern purposes, your bank account. It is sprinkled around the home for protection, and said to be the juice of choice before witches fly.

Basil grown in a shop is said to reflect the health of the business. If the Basil is well cared for and grows the business will also grow and profit. It is also said that when Basil is hung above a shop keeper’s door it will attract good fortune to their place of business.

Basil likes the heat and does not tolerate the cold well. It grows best in hot dry conditions.

Correspondences and Key notes about Basil:
Magickal: Associations/Aspects:
Love Romantic Relationships/Interests

Associated Deities:


In Season:

Medicinal properties:
Basil oil has  potent antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties
Used as a supplementary treatment of stress, asthma and diabetes in India
It is toxic to mosquitoes
Basil is VERY high in Vitamin K

Money Magick
Love Spells
Protections Spells
Offerings to deities

Festivals, Observances, and Ritual:
Culinary Use:
Soups, dips, baking, grills, salads, and MUCH MORE.

Basil can be chopped and frozen, canned in a sauce, or dried for later use.

Fresh Basil will stay fresh in the refrigerator if placed in a glass of water. It can also be wrapped in a slightly damp paper towel and stored in the refrigerator.

Home and Ritual Décor:
Sprinkle basil around your home for protection.
Basil makes an excellent aromatic addition to herbal bouquets

Basil Money Spell

Spell Timing:
Perform this spell in the morning at Sunrise, at the time of the waxing moon.

Basil, Fresh and dry
Cinnamon Sticks
5 White Candles or Green if you have them
A carrier oil (Almond, avocado, olive, etc.)
Mortar and Pestle
Your bank account information (the number written on a paper or statement will do), and your wallet. If you are a business owner add in a stack of your business cards.

I call to fire and I call to Mars.
I call to upon the power of the stars.
I attract wealth and prosperity.
I attract the cash I need.
By the rising sun and before the day is done,
Money, swiftly come to me.

Repeat 9 times

Gather your supplies and ingredients and bring them to you altar/sacred space. Preferably outside.
Arrange your items on your table/altar as you see fit, surrounding them with 4 candles and the 5th candle somewhere in the center of the table. Your bank statement & wallet can be placed in the center of the table as well.
Place a cinnamon stick and some dry basil in the mortar and pestle and grind them slightly
Place the ground cinnamon stick and dry basil in the oil.
Move clockwise, light your candles and address the 4 directions and elements ending with center/spirit and your fifth candle.
Anoint your 3rd eye with the oil and begin your chant.
As you chant, hold your hands over the items on your altar/table and visualize money coming to you as the sun cycles in the sky.
When you have finished with the 9th repetition, release the energy completely
Next sprinkle some of the oil on to your bank statement and place a fresh Basil leaf inside of your wallet where it will not be easily disturbed. If you are using a stack of business cards, sandwich your cards in between several large basil leaves.

The final stage of this is to clean everything up and completely forget about your working. Don’t reflect on it, analyze it, and do not critique it. Let the energy go and let it be.

Learn more about Spell Work: read my 10 Tips for Successful Spell Work

 10 Tips for Successful Spell Work

© The Magick Kitchen, 2014

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