
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Magickal Aspects of Apples

This week we are looking into Apples!!


Magick, History and Legend of Apples

A little history & legend:

It appears apples date back to about 328BCE, and were first cultivated in Turkey during this time. It is also believed that this first variety was a dwarf apple called Malus. Today we would consider this kind of apple a “Wild Apple” or “Crab Apple”.

In many European cultures the term or word for apple was used for any unknown fruit, plant galls, and nuts. It appears that the use of the word "Apple" was used in this fashion as late as the 17th century. Tomatoes are a good example. When first introduced to Europe they where called “Love Apples” and cucumbers have been called “Earth-Apples.”

Apples (in general) have been the center of many mythological stories and tales. A great example is the infamous biblical tale of Adam and Eve. Many scholars believe it was not an apple; rather it was a pomegranate originally portrayed in this famous tale. The change may have been made because Apples carry the association with female deities, femininity and sexuality. This initial portrayal of apples in the bible causes some confusion, when you discover that apples are portrayed in a more positive light in other areas of the bible, (i.e. "Apple of my eye")

As mythology goes, Golden Apples played a part in the Trojan War, a single apple fed Conle for a year, and in other tales apples could give eternal youth. It is no wonder this fruit shows up in mythology. Apples have been a prized fruit since it can keep for a long time, giving longevity to winter food stores. 
Hand painted, dishwasher safe Pagan
themed glassware by Elegantly Haunted

As with every plant and even water, too much of a good thing, is well too much. Ironically, apple seeds in large quantities are fatal as they contain a sugar and cyanide compound called amygdalin*. Not that too many of us eat apple seeds. 

As we scratch the surface of Apple, it is no wonder that this fruit is a valued Magickal ingredient. I don’t know of any Kitchen Witches who do not use apple in their workings. Apple has a rich history and many valuable aspects making it a very versatile fruit. 

To give Apples even more benefit, they are easily accessible and widely available. Not to forget Apples, they are very tasty! Apple can appear in main dishes, as well as desserts. They can even be used for decoration and sigil. 

Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the key aspects best related to Apple: 

Magickal Correspondences 
Magickal: Aspects:
Love, fidelity, fertility, marriage, sexuality, beauty, vanity, wisdom, and immortality
Associated Deities:
  • Aphrodite
  • Iduna
  • Freya
  • Pomona
  • Eris
  • Venus
  • Olwen
  • Dionysus
  • Apollo
  • Athena
  • Diana
  • Zeus
to name a few

In Season:
July - October

Medicinal properties:
  • Fresh pressed Apple Cider and Apple Cider Vinegar help alleviate gallbladder flares and symptoms
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Laxative
  • Helps relieve gout
  • Fresh apples act as an antacid.
  • Fresh crushed apple leaves on a wound can help prevent infection.

  • Love spells
  • Love Divination
  • Healing spells
  • Libations/Offerings
  • Wand creation
  • Poppet Magick
  • Sachet/Potpourri Magick

Festivals, Observances, and Ritual:
Diana’s Festival

Culinary Use:
Apples can be used in a variety of dishes. Since many varieties of apples tend to be sweet, apples most often show up in desserts. Apples can also be used with meats such as pork. Apple Chutney is a delicious addition to a roasted pork loin.

Apples are sturdy enough to withstand most preserving methods. Canning and drying are the most common forms of preservation. Dried apples make great snack on the go, and will remain good for a long time if dried properly.

Apples can also be frozen. It is recommended that before freezing and drying, you place cut apple pieces in a slightly acidic water solution to prevent oxidization.

Almost any fresh apple, when stored properly, will keep for about 3 months. The main causes of rotten apples are bruises, openings in the skin, rotten spots, and time. So as with all produce, handle your apples carefully. To extend the life of your apples wrap each apple in newspaper to prevent them from touching. Store them in a cool place, like a cellar, between 30° & 35°. Since most of us refrigerators to store our produce, wash and place your apples in the crisper drawer with a somewhat damp towel over them.  

Home and Ritual Décor:
Since apples dry well, they can be used in a various ways to decorate your home, altar, and ritual space. Dry apple slices make beautiful wreaths, candle holders. Dried slices can be added as embellishments to baskets, gifts, and center pieces.
Fresh apples can be carved out and used as tea light holders.  Apple wood is excellent for wand making.

Apples are most abundant in the Fall, and are widely used in Autumn festivals/rituals, such as Mabon and Samhain. On my Mabon altar, I carve Apple Poppets and allow the poppets to dry then use them again at Samhain. I also use apples as my candle holders. If I have leftover dried apple slices, I will make wreaths.

If you want to add some fun to your next seasonal celebration and ritual try playing games with apples, like the old favorite, “Bobbing for Apples”. Another fun game is "The Apple Pass" or "Pass the Apple". This is where an apple is passed from person to person by tucking the apple beneath your chin.

Another version of bobbing for apples is “Apples on a String”. Tie several apples on long pieces of string, and hang them from tree branches. The object is to grab the apple with your teeth without using your hands. This is a fun and tricky alternative to bobbing for apples. 

A wonderful snack or light meal for your next harvest festival is a simple platter of apples, sliced meats, and cheese (i.e.Brie with Granny Smiths, and Romano with Gala). Serve this with a nice wine. Take some of the apple slices, cheese, meat & wine and place this in a designated area as an offering to patron deities. 

As you can see the versatility of Apple is amazing. Of course, I did not give up all my knowledge and secrets. Perhaps this Fall you will find your own uses for apples. 

If you have suggestions for future posts please send me a massage. If you enjoy my musings, please subscribe to this blog, there will be more to come. 

Bright Blessings,
Leandra Witchwood

© The Magick Kitchen, 2014

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