
Friday, July 11, 2014

Sacred Water Tutorial

OR Holy Water as it is more commonly known. In this Sacred Water Tutorial I will take you through my process of infusing water with the energy of the Moon. 

Sacred or Holy water is used in a variety of rites and rituals for cleaning, empowering, and infusing items
 Elegantly Haunted
Hand painted Mushroom Fairy House Candle Holders
by Elegantly Haunted
and spell work.  Water is sacred in just about every tradition and has been so since humans discovered its necessity for life.

This is a fairly simple process, that can sometimes be very hard to complete. It will require attention and a little preparation on your part. This ritual is of my own making. As I tell all my students, this is a starting point, a bit of inspiration for you to build upon. Take what I know and make your own, just don’t copy my work and call it your own. That is always bad energy no one should be looking to tempt.

This ritual should be performed when the skies are clear and there is no threat of a storm or heavy cloud cover.

Here is what you need to create your own Holy or Sacred Water.

  • Choose one of the following vessels: A blue or green glass container, or a Silver Cup, or a crystal bowl (i.e. Quartz/Geode, not lead crystal) honestly if all you have is a quality glass bowl this will be just fine.
  • A sealable bottle made of dark colored glass. If you plan to store your Holy water for a long period of time choose a dark colored sealable bottle. *Repurposed wine bottles work well. You may also want to purchase a nice look growler for storing large amounts of this water. There are some really nice ones on the market and they have a good seal.
  • Salt (Sea Salt, Gray Salt, Pink Salt, etc.)
  • Silver (it can be a ring, chain, etc. OR if you use a silver vessel you will not need any additional pieces of silver.)
  • Cheesecloth and/or piece of black cloth *This is optional and can be used to cover your vessel if you are unable to close it. Use the cheese cloth while your vessel is out under the moon, and use a piece of black cloth to cover your vessel when you put it away during the daylight hours.
  • A Mirror
  • A table of some sort. It can be an Altar or just a sturdy flat surface
  • A black table cloth
  • 5 Candles & a lighter

Basic supplies for Sacred Water
Day 14 of the 29.5 Day Moon Cycle - Cleansing and Preparation:
  1. Wash your water vessel and storage bottle really well. Mine are dishwasher safe so through the dishwasher they go.
  2. Use baking soda and a little water on a soft cloth to clean your piece of silver really well. Seriously, you want it to shine.
  3. Next rinse your glass, mirror, and silver with salted water. 2C water and 1T salt, dissolved.
Easy setup
Ready to Infuse! Day 14-16 of the 29.5 day Moon Cycle: This is a 3 night process. You will begin when the moon is just becoming full (day/night 14) and end on the 16th day/night) of the 29.5 day moon cycle. You will want to designate a place to keep your water when you bring it in each morning. Find a spot in a dark cupboard or on a shelf in your pantry where it will not be disturbed.  

  1. After the sun completely sets, each night: Place your table outside where you know the moonlight will directly hit it. Specifically at midnight when the moon is highest in the sky.
  2. Cover your table with your black cloth and place the mirror right side up in the center of the table.
  3. On top of your mirror place your vessel filled with water. *Now I know there is much debate out there about what kind of water to use. Honestly use what you have. If you can drink it, its good water. This whole process, as long as you will it, will make your water Holy, as intended.
  4. Around your vessel & mirror place your 5 candles.
  5. Now here is where you will want to say something epic and significant. Yeah… don’t we all. Instead of making a fuss about memorizing a long speech, try focusing on the purpose of your water. Focus on the value of the moon and the power she offers. Think of how the moonlight will shine through the water infusing it with all the powers of the moon. If you prefer to put pen to paper, go for it! I am an “off the cuff” kind of girl. I let the words flow as the Goddess intends.
  6. As you think and speak, drop in your silver piece, and begin lighting your candles.
  7. Take a moment to soak in the moon yourself. Visualize how the moonlight will permeate you as well as the water.
  8. Cover your vessel with cheesecloth if you like and leave the moon to her work. Seriously go have a glass of wine and relax.
Before Sunrise (each morning)

Set your alarm!!! Before the sun begins to rise each morning you will want to bring in your vessel along with all your supplies. Place them in your designated cupboard or shelf and cover with your black cloth until the night fall.

After the 3rd night you will have Holy Water! Pour your Holy water into your sealable container and store.  

 Below is a Moon Calendar showing the dates of when the moon will be full for July 2014...

So… you have Holy water…. Now what?
What do you do with it?

Well that is up to you. You can use it for cleansing and blessing. You can use it in specific feminine based rites. Use it to anoint. Really if there is a place in your next ritual or rite for water, use this stuff its GREAT!  

Me? Oh yeah, I use it in my Magickal cooking. I knew, you knew there was a Modern Kitchen Witchery use for this water. I hope you can hear the jest in my words. But seriously, instead of water from the faucet I replace the water needed for my recipe with this water. I find this adds an extra infusion to specific recipes I don’t get otherwise.

So are you ready? Get out there and try this!
I would love to hear about your experiences.


**Snarky notes: If you watch too much Supernatural, Charmed, Sleepy Hallow, Witches of East End, and the like… Please keep your comments to yourself. This is not Hollywood nor is this a Christianized horror novel.
To those who think they know everything about everything, you too can keep your comments to yourself. This is a simple offering from my own path and years of experience.
If you think you know better, then you should go write your own blog filled with your infinite knowledge and experience. There is no place here for childish behavior. We all walk a different path. It is important to remember that diversity is imperative. Mother Nature gets this, and so should we humans.  

To those who enjoy my offerings, and/or have something constructive to add, I welcome you and hope you stick around for more. I also would love to hear from you. I welcome different points of view.

© Modern Kitchen Witchery, 2014

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