
Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Modern Kitchen Witch

So where do we start? That’s easy, in the kitchen.  
You had to see that one coming!

To begin your adventures A modern Kitchen Witch you need to make yourself comfortable within your space. You should organize your space as it suits you and hone the skills required for preparing and cooking food. But first let’s go to your kitchen and take a look around.

Go on, take your lap top or smart phone into your kitchen and have a seat.
 Elegantly Haunted
Hand painted glassware by Elegantly Haunted

Now, take a deep breath and look around. How does your kitchen feel to you? Do you feel good about its organization? What about the wall color and decorations? Do you have a variety of spices available for use? Do you have all the general tools you need to prepare a meal? Do you have some Magickal tools around? Do you have enough ingredients to throw together something on the fly? (We’ll discuss spontaneous Magickal inspiration in another post) Do you have a designated place to enjoy meals or even a good beverage?

It is time to create your scared space and decide what changes you want to make. What speaks to you? These changed will make your kitchen flow as energy needs to flow for you. This scared space is one of hospitality, where others will come and enjoy the fruits of your labor and the Magick of your home. Some create sacred space in a room or it’s a space the woods where no one goes except for those who are invited. The Kitchen Witch has a very different kind of scared space. It isn’t necessarily exclusive and it is much more casual than most traditions might demand.

As a Kitchen Witch, this scared space may be visited by a variety of people depending on the style of life you lead. If you have a family with kids, except them to be in the kitchen at different times especially while you cook. You may also expect their neighborhood friends to come and go. If you have fewer people in your household, you will have more control over who may and may not enter your sacred space.

However, Kitchen Witchery is more than scared space and limiting access to that space, it is about hospitality, family, sharing, and enjoyment. It is about creating a space infused with Magick that all who enter can enjoy. There will be times when you have the space all to yourself and other times when it may seem like Grand Central Station. So create a space where you can enjoy the company of others as well as perform personal rites as needed. In other words, your sacred space must have a duel personality and be very adaptable to the needs of the day.

I plan to offer up many topics for discussion, but I thought this would be a great starting point. I should now have you thinking about your space and how you want to create it.

Personally, my space is a little chaotic. I have a very active family and we all spend adequate time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning, (some less than others). Ah, yes I just touched on another subject for later… cleaning your sacred space.

So until next time, have a seat and a nice drink to think it over. How do you want your space to look and feel? What Magick will you create here and how delightful will it be?

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